We are currently accepting applications for a High School Baseball Coach. A job description can be found on our website under employment and click on open positions. OR you can call the District Office (509) 775-3173. Position is open until filled.
The ROAR program took a trip to Curlew Lake State Park this week, where Kindergarten and 1st Grade students had a fun-filled day of exploration and learning. The students were taken on a brief walk around the trails in the state park and then had lunch under the warm autumn sun. To end the day, parent volunteers and students took part in a fall nature scavenger hunt to test their observation skills.
Please ensure that your children are dressed appropriately for our outdoor activities. On adventure days, students will spend up to 5 hours outside in winter temperatures, so it is crucial to dress them in warm layers, gloves, hats, and suitable footwear. Thank you for your cooperation in ensuring that our students have the best outdoor experience possible.
"Communities In Schools"
HAPPY BIRTHDAY to all the 3rd, 4th & 5th Grade August, September and October Tigers!
Communities In Schools
October marks the celebration of a special group of leaders in our community – our school principals. These dedicated individuals play a pivotal role in shaping our students’ futures and the trajectory of our education system.
This month-long celebration is an opportunity to recognize and thank our principals for their unwavering dedication, exceptional leadership, and remarkable impact on student success.
Let’s come together to celebrate Mr. Finley, Mrs. Finley, and Mr. Cromwell (principal intern) at the helm of Republic Schools and the difference they make every day transforming our community.
Just a reminder that tonight is our last home game and Senior Rose presentation starting at 6:30 pm. C’mon on out and wish your favorite Senior well!
On Wednesday, Mr. Winters' class enjoyed a beautiful day with clear skies and warm autumn temperatures while hiking on top of Sherman Pass. The 5th-grade students went on an adventure, exploring a seldom-traveled trail that started at the Sherman Pass overlook and continued to Albian Hill Road. Along the way, the students went on a treasure hunt as they were introduced to Geocaching. They had a great time enjoying the sunshine and possibly discovering a new hobby. We are grateful to the brave chaperones who joined us on this adventure.
Happy Birthday to all the October Tigers in Kindergarten, 1st and 2nd Grade!
A huge shout out to Ms. Clark's Life Skills Class for creating the Birthday Lunch Banners! Thank you so very much!
Congratulations once again to Mrs. Campbell's 1st grade class for being 10-13-2023 Tiger Pride Friday Winners! 100% of the students dressed in Tiger Pride on Friday! Way to go Tigers!!!
Change in bus schedule
Reminder: The After School Program starts today, October 17th, and students must be picked up by 4:00 pm.
The After School Program starts Tuesday, October 17th. The program is for
1st through 5th grades. Tuesday through Thursday.
Please have your forms returned to the elementary office by
Friday, October 13th
Mrs. Sage's class was the second group to enjoy Swan Lake. 3rd Graders got to explore the forest by studying core samples of trees, examining the different soils that make up the forest floor, and learning about the local wildlife by examining animal skulls. After a quick snack break, the students went for a walk around the lake. We would like to thank the Republic Ranger District for their assistance in organizing this adventure and the parent volunteers who are willing to join us on the ROAR adventures.
The Spooky Walk-a-Thon for Republic Elementary (K-6th Grades) is taking place tomorrow. Family and community members are encouraged to attend and support the elementary students as we raise additional funds to help with the increasing transportation costs required for the ROAR program.
The elementary classes have been divided into two walking periods:
- 4th-6th grade will walk from 8:30-9:30
- Kindergarten-3rd grade will walk from 10:00-10:30
Students will be allowed to change into a Halloween costume before their scheduled time.
Individual students in each class who complete the most laps will be awarded prizes, and the class that raises the most money will receive a pizza party.
Students are advised not to bring their pledge sheets and donations to the Spooky Walk-a-Thon until after the event. All donations should be submitted to the elementary office before October 31st.
Remember, tomorrow is Open House!
5:00 PM TO 6:30 PM
Just a reminder that Junior High Boys basketball, grades 6-8, will start tomorrow from 4:45 to 6:45 pm. Junior High Girls Basketball, grades 6-8, will start on Wednesday from 3:15-4:45 pm. Please call Dena at 775-3171 with any questions!
GOOOO Tigers!
This week, Mrs. Starr's 2nd grade class went on a ROAR adventure to Swan Lake to enjoy the beautiful fall weather and the October colors. The students had a great time digging in the dirt to examine different layers of the forest soil and learning about different tree species. They also had a chance to study the life cycle of a tree by boring into it. Finally, the students were able to study different animal skulls to determine if they were herbivores, carnivores, or omnivores. To end the day students were led on a botany walk around Swan Lake. The ROAR program would like to thank the Republic Ranger District for their help in making this trip a wonderful learning opportunity for the students of Republic Elementary.
The Homecoming Parade is scheduled for 4:00 pm today!
This is different from what was previously posted at 4:30 pm
Sorry for any confusion!
Please support our students as they collect pledges to help raise supplemental funds for travel expenses associated with the ROAR program.