The Republic School District is pleased to announce the addition of online supplemental learning resources added to our website. You can click on your child’s grade/teacher and all of the supplemental resources will be accessible in those folders. You can also access this page directly through this link .
If you are unable to access through the internet, families can pick up supplemental work in the front lobby of the elementary school M-W, 8:00-3:00. For the Elementary, buckets with teachers' names are on tables and on the floor - please be sure to check both. For Junior High and High School, student work is in files. Please only take one packet per child. A cart of used library books is available for students to use at home. If your child is currently receiving meal service, work can be sent home on the bus. Please notify us if you would like work sent home via the bus. Buses leave at 11:15 am. If you would like to receive meal service, please call the district office (509) 775-3173.